home in fall season

Fall is Right Around the Corner – Tips to Get Your Home Ready

home in fall seasonIt’s hard to believe that summer is nearly over, and we’ll soon be welcoming the fall season. Once autumn arrives, people start to get back into their usual routines. The kids are back at school, and summer vacations are a happy memory. Fall is a pause between hot, sunny days and the chilly winter to come, making it a great time to get our homes ready for the approaching cooler season.

You may be wondering how you can get your home ready for fall and the cooler temperatures. In this article, we’ll share five tips to help ensure your home is autumn-ready. And, we’ll tell you how we can help as well. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Tips for Preparing Your Home for the Fall Season

Get your autumn off on the right start by taking some time to prepare your home for the upcoming season. Here are a few tips that can help:

  1. Make sure outdoor lighting is working properly. Whether we like it or not, ‘tis the season when the days start to get shorter. That’s why it’s important to ensure that your outdoor lighting is working properly and that all blown bulbs have been replaced. If you need to add to or update your outdoor lighting, a trusted contractor like Ables, Inc. can help meet your needs.
  2. Remove any debris and vegetation from the gutters. During the summer, your gutters can collect vegetation, debris, and even insect and rodent nests. If left unchecked, these can cause ice to build up in your gutters during the winter months, which can lead to roof damage.
  3. Check windows and doors for drafts. Cold air can seep in through drafty windows and doors, and conversely, heated air can seep out – and that can tax your heating system and cost you more in utility bills. Make sure windows and doors are appropriately weather-proofed. Most home improvement stores sell weatherstripping and caulk for sealing any drafty areas.
  4. Take care of your patio and pool. Start by taking care of any summer items that will not withstand winter, such as plant stands and toys. Before taking it to storage, clean your summer patio furniture with a quality antimicrobial spray to ensure any mold and mildew growth is removed. Close your pool in accordance with manufacturer/installer instructions. You’ll want to be sure water levels are appropriate, the pool and cover are clean, filters and lines are clean, and the necessary chemicals have been added.
  5. Prepare flowerbeds and gardens for winter. Now is the time to get your flowerbeds and vegetable gardens ready for their long winter’s nap. Clear any rot and weeds from the beds and add a fresh layer of soil. Incorporate any compost and mulch into the soil at this time. Hint: Rather than raking fallen leaves into bags, consider mulching them with your mower and adding this as a top layer to your flowerbeds and gardens.

And, make sure your heating system is working properly by calling Ables, Inc.

Every fall, it’s important to make sure your heating system gets the annual maintenance it needs. Fortunately, that’s as easy as calling Ables, Inc. We can help meet any heating needs you may have, including fall maintenance. Heating maintenance helps to ensure that your system is operating both effectively and efficiently and will be ready to keep you warm when the chillier temperatures arrive.

To schedule your fall maintenance and tune-up, call us at (740) 453-6015 and we will be more than happy to help.

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