How Do I Know if I Need an AC Repair or a Replacement?
During the summer months, having an air conditioning system that’s in good working condition is very important for most homeowners. Your air conditioner offers a reprieve from high temperatures, oppressive humidity, and that sticky uncomfortable feeling that comes with both. But it can be frustrating if your home’s AC system isn’t working properly.
If your home isn’t as cool and comfortable as you’d like this summer, you may be wondering if you need air conditioning repairs – or if you should consider replacing your system. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the signs your AC system may give you when it needs to be checked out by a professional, and how Ables, Inc. can help. Keep reading to learn more!
Signs Your Air Conditioning System Needs Repair or Replacement
When the summer heat becomes unbearable, it’s crucial to know whether your air conditioning system needs repair or replacement. Here are some signs to look out for:
- Constantly Running AC Unit: While not every constantly running AC unit requires replacement, an old system with frequent repairs might. Sometimes, minor issues like leaks or damaged coils can cause persistent running.
- Refrigerant Leaks: These can lead to higher energy bills and increased humidity in your home. Refrigerant recharges can help, but if your system is old and uses an outdated type of refrigerant, it may be more cost-effective to replace your system with a newer, more efficient model.
- Warm Air: If warm air is coming from your AC unit, it could be due to low refrigerant or dirty coils. We always recommend that homeowners choose annual maintenance as it gives our technicians a chance to inspect your system and clean any parts that may have collected dust and dirt.
- Unusual Noises: Clicking, buzzing, or banging sounds indicate a problem. There could be issues with your system’s motor, fan, or compressor. Depending on the severity of the problem, we will help you decide if a repair or replacement is most appropriate.
Keep in mind, if your AC unit is over 10 years old, out of warranty, or requires frequent repairs, replacement might be the best option. And when in doubt, follow “the $5,000 rule”: multiply your HVAC’s age by the repair cost. If the result exceeds $5,000, consider a replacement.
Ables, Inc. can help you get the AC repair or replacement you need.
At Ables, Inc., we’ll never try to upsell you – if your air conditioning system can be repaired cost-effectively, we’ll repair it. But if not, we work hard to help you find an AC system that is right for your home, lifestyle, and budget. We’ll show you the available tax credits and incentives that can make an air conditioning replacement more affordable, and we will provide you with the prompt, professional services you deserve.
Don’t spend another hot, uncomfortable day with an AC system that isn’t working properly – call Ables, Inc. for your home cooling needs today! Just give us a call at (740) 453-6015 and we’ll be happy to help meet your cooling needs.