Why Choose a Generator for My Home?
In the late summer and early fall months, we often see stormy weather, usually in the form of severe thunderstorms and sometimes tornadoes. That’s because during this time off year, the jet stream shifts southward, causing a clash between cold fronts and warm, moist air. Unfortunately, powerful storms such as these can cause a significant disruption in our day to day lives, including power outages.
Nobody likes the inconvenience of a power outage in their home. Most of the time, these outages only last for a brief period of time and are just that – an inconvenience. However, for certain people and in circumstances where the power is out for a prolonged period of time, going without electricity can be much more problematic. In this article, we will talk about some of the issues that can arise from an extended power outage, and how Ables, Inc. can help.
- Food Spoilage: When your fridge and freezer are without power, it stands to reason that they start to warm up. This can lead to food spoilage, especially if you don’t keep the units’ doors shut during the outage. On average, food will stay cold in a refrigerator for 24 hours and in a freezer for 36. Beyond that, however, you may assume it has spoiled. If you’re unsure of your food’s safety, you should never eat it. Of course, having a standby generator in your home can help avoid this – and help keep you and your family safe.
- Damage to Electronics: Many times, electronics are not damaged by the power outage itself, but rather by the sudden surge of electricity when the power goes back on. This is very common in items like televisions, laptops, and computers. The best thing to do is to unplug your electronics as soon as the power goes out, and especially in the instance of partial outages, known as brown-outs.
- Basement Flooding: Your sump pump needs electricity in order to operate. If your home relies on a sump pump to keep water out of your basement, you could be in trouble in the event of a severe rainstorm accompanied by a power outage. And, if your basement floods, it could be dangerous to enter. You should never attempt to use any appliances, fuse boxes or outlets affected by a flooded basement until they are evaluated by a professional electrician.
- Damage to Appliances: Today’s appliances have all gotten “smarter”, and that’s because most of them require tiny computers, known as microprocessors, in order to operate. While this can make them work better and more efficiently for you and your family, it can also mean their components are more susceptible to fluctuations in voltage. Unfortunately, they are more prone to damage during a power outage or brown-out as a result. If you don’t have a backup generator, it’s a good idea to unplug any major appliances during an outage.
- Medical Equipment Concerns: If someone in your home relies on medical equipment that needs electricity to operate, power outages can be especially harmful. Most medical organizations strongly recommend that people with necessary medical equipment either have a generator in their home or a safe place they can go to during a storm emergency, such as a local school, fire department, or hospital.
At Ables, Inc. we can provide you with a quality standby generator, so you won’t have to worry about going without power. The Kohler standby home generator provides whisper-quiet function and ample power automatically with no refueling, no headaches and no hassle. We are also an authorized distributor of the commercial and residential standby generators manufactured by Generac Power Systems, Inc. These standby units provide 24/7 monitoring and automatic backup power whenever an outage occurs.
What’s more, our factory-certified personnel will assist you in selecting the appropriate generator for your home and provide complete installation, startup and natural gas certification and hookup, as well as on-site training and scheduled maintenance. Don’t let the next power outage cost you money and cause damage to your home. Contact Ables, Inc. today at (740) 453-6015 for Zanesville residents and (740) 439-2186 for Cambridge and let us help you find the best generator for your home and lifestyle needs.